Friday, February 20, 2009


So Spring is here, and it isn't. The DH and I celebrate the first day of Spring on Feb. 1st. That's the time when gardeners in my area begin to notice subtle changes. The light changes, the ground warms a wee bit, trees stir, bird song is louder, etc. AND it's a long time from Feb 1st to the warmer days of traditional Spring. So between Feb. 1 and March 21, I have devised strategies to get myself through. I've been taking full advantage of all of them of late:
  • Walking in the sunlight
  • Flower-spotting adventures; I'm happy to report we saw our first crocus blooming this week!
  • Eating blueberries I've frozen from summer picking
  • Cutting branches (quince this time) and forcing them to bloom inside; mine now have fat green flower buds. I expect them to bust out with flowers soon.
  • Looking at seed catalogs
  • Planning a camping trip with the girls and a week-long bike tour with the hubby
  • Forcing bulbs in pots and enjoying their beauty and aroma. (See hyacinth photos. The first hyacinth flower peeked out at me on Wednesday. Potted daffodil bulbs will bloom in a few weeks.)
How do you manage spring fever?

This is actually my favorite image of the set; I like the blurred lines

And more to come!


  1. When I got home yesterday, I had one daffodil in full bloom with two other buds not far behind! Thanks again for them!

    I am soooo looking forward to the camping trip!!!

  2. Oh, wow! My daffodils aren't quite there yet. Very interesting! They must LOVE your home.

  3. Yes, I have taken those walks of discovery. I brought in a branch of daphne and the blooms are opening and smell so good. Also thinking of opportunities to travel and see the world outdoors.

  4. Your images remind me very much of a popular fine art photographer who lives here in Newnan ( I like your plans for getting through winter by thinking ahead to spring!

  5. Happy Spring, Steph!
    Great ideas to bring spring in. Your photos are wonderful. I can just smell the hyacinth which is one of my absolute favorite fragrances.

  6. Ooh! You have a quince tree? Do you cook with the quince? My grandparents have a quince tree. I wish I still lived near them so I could have some of its fruit. I have never seen quince in the grocery store.

  7. @Melanie - Interestingly, this quince flowers but does not fruit. Tho I would love to try making quince jam!

    @Angela - Thanks for the link. I will check it out!

    @artandtea - The blooms are in my office and they do smell SO good!

  8. I'm sitting in Florida as I write this comment, pretending that similar weather will be waiting for me when I return home to Chicago.

    I may have Bub plant some grass seed in little pots indoors as a way to keep occupied until spring arrives for real.


I value your comments, thank you!