Friday, February 06, 2009

Web Roundup

I've found some great things on the web lately, and I thought I'd share.

Recessionistas. A friend sent me this link, b/c she thinks it fits us! We LOVE going to consignment stores and resale shops. I very seldom pay full-price for any clothing. And, if I can find a gem that's second-hand, well even better for the planet! Buffalo Exchange rocks!

Restyling clothes. On the same note as above, I love how the author of the Angry Chicken blog restyles clothes. Just brilliant! I've yet to try this, but I'm on the lookout for a potential.

Fat Quarter Month. Sew, Mama, Sew! is running a month of Fat Quarter projects and related info. A fat quarter is a different way of cutting the fabric and can be useful in many situations. A fat quarter is 18 x 22 inches, instead of 9 x 44. Read this for more info.

Philigry. I don't know how to knit, but Philigry inspires me nonetheless!

Spooners. Do you know what they are? I didn't, but I think they're fun!

Don't drink this before a drug test. In bizarre news....just read it yourself.

Now it's your turn. I'm in the mood to go exploring. It's COLD outside and I'm feeling a bit cooped up (tho I did go for a great walk yesterday in 18 degrees). Help me beat the winter blahs by leaving me a fun link to check out, tea-related or otherwise.



    Have you visited Ullabenulla? I love visiting there just to see how creative artists can be. It gets my mind turning in ways I hadn't thought creatively.

  2. All right, Steph. I don't know if you like to cook, but if so, this blog has great recipies, interesting writing, and beautiful pictures! I love her posts.

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Does your computer monitor need cleaning? Hope this will make you smile, Steph!

  4. Ooooh, goodie goodie! I can't wait to check these out - keep 'em coming!

  5. I found this one today off CNN:

    It is about finding money.

  6. Anonymous1:34 PM

    From the Tucson Gem & Bead Show... some handmade glass bling:

  7. Thanks, everyone, for the great sites! I've had fun looking at them all!

  8. That was crazy about those tea drinking's warmed up here a bit. I hope you can get out and about soon. Without freezing yourself to death. I hate that. HA! We are so conditioned by the warm here.....we are FREEZING when it's in the 40's. So weird how that happens.
    Hang in there....spring is coming!

  9. Hi Steph-
    I love the 101 Cookbooks blog! Her recipes and photos of food are fantastic and I look forward to her "favorites" posts like this one today:

  10. Here's another favorite:

    This is a pet peeve of mine so I found this one humorous.

  11. Mate de Coca used to be used to wean cocaine addicts off of their addiction in the 80s in the US. It contains trace amounts of it and comes from the same plant. It's used casually in parts of South America by many, many people, but is generally illegal here (except, I think, for a "de-cocanated" version). It's a shame that he had no idea what he was drinking!

  12. thanks for includung me in this nice post. you are so sweet!


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