Thursday, March 12, 2009

She's CrafTEA!

I'm excited to introduce a new concept today: She's CrafTEA!TM
The picture above is from an invitation I'm making for a birthday party/craft day at the end of the month. I'll be doing more with this concept (and making some artwork related to tea), but I've been in love with birds lately and wanted to include that in my theme.

My party will be like an open house. I'll be doing crafty stuff from 11 - 5 and have invited friends to join me whenever they can. I'll be serving afternoon tea, buffet style, at 3.

Won't you join me?
If you're interested in holding your own She's CrafTEA!TM party in the future, I give you permission to use the name. In return, please write about it on your blog and link to mine. I'll provide a link in return. And your party doesn't have to be like mine - it can be whatever you envision. In addition, if you're working on crafty projects this month, I'd love to provide a link to them, as well.

Happy March!


  1. Well this sounds fun! What a great name!
    Here's to you Ms. IngenuiTea! (Ha, Ha)

  2. Very clever of you, as well, Teresa!

  3. Sure wish all of us tea friends were in your neighborhood. I can't wait to read about the fun!

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Love the bird! What a cool concept! I look forward to seeing photos.

  5. What a fabulous idea, Steph! I love getting together with my art friends to play.

  6. What a great idea!

    Can't wait to hear more about your events, etc.

    Talk to you in a week or so-


  7. I love how your invitation turned out! It's so spring-like and blue is my favorite color!

  8. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Uhhhh...I really wish I could be there! When are you having it? You have to share your craft ideas with me!!

  9. Love the new concept and also wish I lived near enough to drop by your place (invited or not!).

    I am also into birds right now. So is my mom--she just had drapes made with the coolest bird fabric ever.

  10. Loved the post - it really got my crafty juices flowing. I just tried my hand at tea bag folding and put a link to this post in my blog. Thanks again!


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