Saturday, April 04, 2009

The Dog Ate It, Really!

OK, Sweetcakes, tell highway he's related to some other distinguished dogs...

Read this story. I promise you'll chuckle. (And it's dated April 2, so I think it's real!)

Thanks to RoxyRed for the story!

*Image from


  1. Anonymous4:14 AM

    I heard this piece on NPR. So it MUST be true.

    We were keeping our friends' omnivore golden in Cambridge, having heard that Jasper ate any and every thing. We couldn't find our tix to a Steve Martin play (to which we had invited Chris's thesis supervisor and his wife) at the Hasty Pudding ANYwhere. If Jasper had eaten the entire receipt along with the tix, we would never have figured out that a dog really CAN eat your homework (your theater tickets, the pie cooling on the back burner, etc.)! MKP

  2. Wow, MKP - that's quite the story!

  3. Koni must be Highway's sole mate. I'm glad Highway's never managed to get any of my tea party fare.


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