Monday, April 27, 2009

Girls Gone Wild

I am grateful to have spent much of this weekend camping, hiking and relaxing in nature with two girlfriends. The photo above is just one of the breathtaking views from the state park where we were staying. Notice the redbuds in bloom, and the trees just starting to leaf out.

Home sweet home. The temps were warm and the sun was out, yeah! Though one friend turned a little too pink! I was prepared for cold nights. I had an extra sleeping bag, running tights with fleece ones to go over, a down vest, a hat and gloves. Have I mentioned before that I hate to be cold? :-) Fortunately, it was quite warm and I had a good laugh at myself. It was also very windy, as in "Will my tent stay standing?" winds. I'm happy to report both tents stayed upright! I never doubted the other tent, as that tent-pitcher is practically a pro. Mine, on the other hand, well I almost danced a jig that it stayed true through the winds!

We found a pretty violet patch near the campsite. I love the juxtaposition of the new growth with the brown leaves.

We did a nice hike down to and around a lake (that fed this dam and waterfall). I should have taken pictures of the giant, huge, amazingly long and tall stairs that we hiked down and up!

Here's a little poem I wrote, dedicated to my camping friends:


Girls gone wild

Three friends. Campfire.
Wine in plastic cups.
Heaven. Earth.

Morning birds. Rising sun.
Tepid tea from the camp kettle.
Earth. Heaven.

Wild flowers. Skinks.
Down the big hill, then up.
Perfect. Motion.

Lounge in shade. Frozen treats.
A nap with nature's lullaby.
Stop motion. Perfect.


  1. Love the poem and pictures. What a perfect weekend. The violets with the leaves is beautiful.

  2. Love your post and poetry! And that very first photo made me say, "Ahhhhh ..." Glad you had such a great and relaxing weekend!

  3. Anonymous11:12 AM

    You're so funny! Fleece and gloves? ;-) Did you wild women see any wolves? ha ha.

  4. Thanks Stephanie for kind words on Delights of the Heart. I laid awake last night thinking of happy "J" words. Not really a poem, but words that make my joyful.

  5. What a great poem! I enjoyed our "girls only" time together.

  6. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Love your pics and the poem, Steph. It's always good to get away with the girls and recharge in only the way girlfriends can do...

  7. Sounds fabulous! Love your photos!

  8. Steph the park & violets were so lovely- thanks for sharing the pictures. I hope when that tea book of your comes out that you include some of your lovely poetry. That would be a double treat for all of us!

  9. Steph, it sounds like a fantastic weekend! And I love the poem. Excellent.

    (Unrelatedly, I feel the need to tell you that my word verification 'word' for this comment is acusnort.)

  10. Looks like a lovely weekend. I'm glad you had some well deserved rest and relaxation with friends.

  11. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Sounds like a great trip!! Your poem is very good...It was relaxing to read it!

  12. that looks like a great weekend!


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