Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Teacup Wristlet

This fabulous (and one-of-a-kind) teacup wristlet was a birthday gift from Sweetcakes. Isn't this just amazing!?! My thanks simply can't express the true gratitude I feel. After all, I watched her make one of these. These are friggin' HARD to make! I'm trying to convince her to open an ETSY shop to sell these things, but she has a busy life!


  1. Teafan10:04 AM

    That is SOOOOOO cool!

  2. This is toooooo adorable! I am so going to look into making this one- she did a great job sewing too. What a wonderful gift. Speaking of.... I have a giveaway if you're interested.

  3. What a great teacup purse - I love it! Sweetcakes gave you the perfect gift - it really suits you, even the color.

  4. Yes, it really does suit me! :-) She did a fantastic job.

  5. Oh, my my my my! I want one!

  6. Oh wow, this shape is great and reminds me of the vintage teacup potholders I found recently, but obviously at least twice as hard to make since it's a wristlet ... and with a functioning handle? Gosh, this would be GREAT for holding my iPod and cord and headphones. (PLEASE, Sweetcakes, open that Etsy shop!)

  7. Anonymous7:10 PM

    That is amazing!

  8. I loved this "tea bag" pattern and knew you had to have it. Enjoy!


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