Monday, May 25, 2009

A Lost Day, Found

Today was a lost day. I was supposed to ride my bike for 40 miles. It was supposed to be day three of 40 milers. (I'm in training for a week-long bike ride in June.) It was supposed to be a big confidence-builder, to do three in a row. Two in a row will have to be good enough. ("That's still 80 miles - and hilly ones, for goodness sake!" I tell myself.)

We woke at 6 am on the Monday of a 3-day weekend, and it was raining. Another check in an hour, and it's still raining. Back to bed. Cuddle and nap. Up at 9 for oatmeal and strawberries. Back to bed. Up around noon, in a blur, some talking and doing. I made mojitos and the DH made vegetarian corndogs. (I was saving them for my 3-day of 40 miles celebration). He convinced me that I had earned them anyway and I ate them eagerly. More napping. More fuzzy head. Some book reading of a book I decided I didn't like. Trying not to be grumbly. Inadvertently (??) waking the DH. He agrees to go for a walk. Ice cream. The week's planning. Finally, awake now, and it's almost time for bed.

Ever had a day like this? I'm grateful, even though I didn't know it at the time.


  1. Sounds like a very nice, relaxing time! :)

  2. Yay! 80 miles is a huge accomplishment!

  3. Sounds like the kind of day you really deserved! I hope you enjoyed it!
    Love ya,

  4. The week long bike ride must be exciting and exhausting. I'd like to hear more about it, the route, how many riders, stopovers, etc.

    Your lost day sounds wonderful. I can't remember the last one I had, of course I have two boys (8 & 6) in the house.

  5. I had a day like that today.....without the rain.
    WOW you are an amazing lady....major bike ride and add in all the other cool things you do. I just am so impressed with you.
    Keep up the great things you like to do it will keep you young and HEALTHY but most of all.....HAPPY and fullfilled.


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