Thursday, May 21, 2009

Without the White Stuff

The DH and I have long since given up buying white flour - except for special recipes. Same thing for white sugar, with exception. Back in February, we got a little more serious about it and since then we have purchased neither white flour nor sugar, not even for special foods.

The transition has been a lot easier than I imagined! Adjusting recipes for whole wheat flour is easy. Plus, whole wheat pastry flour is readily available now (at my local coop) and I find it quite easy to work with. Cooking with honey/agave has taken a little more adjustment, but again, it's very minor. I've even held a of tea party under the new system, and all was well.

Now don't get me wrong! I still eat white flour and sugar. I just don't bring it home for cooking. If you give me a homemade treat, I'm going to eat it!


  1. Good for you both! I can do with out sugar but white flour vs whole wheat can't handle it. I just have a hard time with digesting the whole wheat. Oats work best for my system as does rice. But good old processed flour will be with me forever. I guess since I will die either way, I might as well go happy!!! LOL!

  2. Wow! Good for you. My daughter doesn't eat any wheat flour or sugar, not even honey. It is always a challenge for me when I do family tea time, but I do have fun stepping up to the challenge with some successes and some failures.

  3. It's great that you are serious about eating healthy. I use honey, but have never tried agave. Maybe I will try experimenting with whole wheat flour in my scones.

  4. I have a GREAT whole wheat scone recipe here...tho maybe lessen the liquid a little, b/c they spread out more than I wanted. But they were HEAVENLY :-)

    Also, agave is great for iced tea because it dissolves in cold water.

  5. Marilyn - On behalf of all of us who are considered "weird" with our food choices, thank you for your dedication to accomodating your daughter! You will be blessed with wonderful memories.

  6. Teresa - I have this motto that reminds me of what you're saying..."All things in moderation, including moderation." :-)

  7. Your positive example (of eating, of living) is very encouraging! Like ParTea Lady, I will try experimenting with whole wheat flour in my next scones!

  8. My boyfriend had a heart attack a couple years ago and I decided I would change our lives from that day forward. I also started eliminating unhealthy white foods from our diet. I have found most things you can supplement easily with wheat or corn flours. The rice flours and some of the other gluten free flours are a bit tougher to use though. There are some great websites out there to help to help those that need to be without wheat (gluten free). I also joined a co-op store that has the large tins of all natural ingredients.


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