Sunday, June 21, 2009

Farmer's Wife and Bike Mechanic Ride Office into a Solstice Sunrise

Photo courtesy event sponsors
Farmer's Wife (that's me) and Bike Mechanic (the DH, aka Farmer) will be riding off into a solstice sunrise on a week-long bike tour this week. Send thoughts my way of cool breezes and shade!

I won't be blogging for a week or so, but hope to have stories of fun and adventure to share when I return. Until then, enjoy your summer!


  1. have fun and be safe! hugs :)

  2. Have a wonderful trip!

  3. Have a safe trip. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  4. Dear Steph, have been off the blog a few days and just wanted to say what a great sewing job you did on both pieces and as an avid sewer of 30 years can say I have never used the elastic thread and am very proud of you for doing so.
    You and the DH have a fun and safe bike ride and yes I will pray for cool breezes and nice weather.

  5. Wonderful trip wishes are being sent your way. Can't wait for the stories.

  6. Hope your week long tour is wonderful. What an adventure! I'm looking forward to hearing about it.

  7. sounds like a fun bike tour! looking forward to read your stories when you get back.

  8. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Be safe, and don't forget to purge any thoughts of your professional life. Take a deep breath and don't forget to let it out.

  9. That seems exciting. It's nice to have an itinerary for the summer. Surprise us!

  10. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Happy weekend, Agneta from Sweden

  11. My kids do the Katy Trail in Missouri alot and are avid bikers...have fun!


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