Friday, July 10, 2009

Kiss the Flowers!

Have you ever kissed a flower? I highly recommend it, especially ones with soft petals. It's particularly nice when the dew is fresh. Some flowers, like the one above, are made to be kissed!


  1. What a fun idea. I hadn't thought to kiss a flower, but I love to nuzzle them. Now is that a word? I hope you know what I mean, I just stick my whole face into a bunch of flowers in the yard and sniff real deep.

  2. I'm not sure I've ever kissed one on purpose...I mean, when I smell them, sometimes my lips touch the flower...but not with purpose. I will be kissing flowers from now on!! :) Have a great weekend!

  3. No, I haven't tried kissing THAT yet. But, it does sound sweet. I think I'd like kissing the dew from my roses. (Hee, hee.)

  4. oh, beautiful, and yes, i have done it!

  5. Lovely photo and next time I bend close to inhale the fragrance of a beautiful flower, I'll remember your post.

  6. Anonymous6:45 PM

    What a great suggestion, Steph! After all, if we talk to them, why not KISS them???

  7. I have not done this but will now make it a point to do so! Thanks!

  8. I'll kiss the peonys instead if you don't mind too much, those delightful ones in your picture cause a bit of an allergic reaction! Peonys are very soft also..........


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