Monday, August 03, 2009

Delicious Things Sold Here...

This sign caught my attention on Saturday as I was walking along our new multi-purpose trail through downtown. (It's not the first time I've been caught by this sign.) This little French restaurant (one of my favorites in town) sits right on the trail and the owners have capitalized on the opportunity, opening a small to-go window. I had the panna cotta and I ate it so fast, I didn't even get a picture.

The photo below is one of the best I've taken, and it was an accident. You see the sign, which makes me smile every time I walk by. "Delicious things sold at this window." Indeed. And then you see me. And if you look closely, you see the graffiti in the background. Three layers. I couldn't have set it up any better. I think I might frame this one. It's just got so much depth - literally and metaphorically.

Do you know a special little eatery, one where you can walk by on a Saturday and get a little something? Tell me about it.


  1. Love the dimensional picture. We sometimes walk down Alberta Street in Portland and there we find a donut and ice cream shop. So depending on the weather we can have either a donut or ice cream. You little French shop sounds very special.

  2. Le Petite Cafe is such a special place. I am pleased that the couple that owns it are having fun and seling special things. I hope they do well. We are lucky to have them. (and you!)

  3. Looks like a great little restaurant. The blueberry cobbler with custard sounds really good to me.

    A car is needed to go anywhere from my home. Sometimes I miss certain perks of big city life.

    Nice layered picture.

  4. Teafan9:04 AM

    Wow - that is one great photo! That other one is pretty nice, too.

  5. Love-love-love this photo! Mainly, I love that you *pay attention* to things. Nice work!

  6. My first visit to your blog, I enjoyed the tour, and all the tea related posts. Your photo is very artistic. I will return soon. Please feel free to stop by for a cup of virtual tea.

  7. Great photo & story. Do the store owners know you blogged about them? I bet they would get a real kick out of it.
    BTW- LOVE the new photo of you.

  8. Teresa - I was thinking of printing a copy for them and dropping it by! Thank you for the nudge.


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