Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I couldn't help but...

Create matching skirts for us! An aunt's privilege. This little one is almost two.

By the way, the fabric is from a reclaimed bed sheet!


  1. That is so cute and I bet she is loving the matching skirts and spending time with Auntie Steph.

    Great idea using a bed sheet for the fabric.

  2. Oh, what fun! You have really gotten this sewing thing down haven't you. What fun memories you are making with your niece.
    BTW those look like some delicious tomatoes on your kitchen shelf!

  3. How precious! You two are cute as buttons together! I'm sure you've had a great time together. :)

  4. I love this post! Too cute! Brightened my day!

  5. Cute skirts, but even cuter girls. Great pictures.

  6. I LOVE the picture of you two on the front porch rubbing noses! Please send me that one!!

  7. Absolutely adorable!!! Enjoy your niece. I have so many wonderful memories of my special aunts.

  8. Oh! My! Stars! Oh, how I love this sweet post! And your skirts are adorable. Don't you just love being an aunt!

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Oh my gosh - TOO CUTE and I can't BELIEVE that she's 2 years old already! How time flies!

  10. Those are the cutest pictures I've ever seen! What a great idea!

  11. oh absolutely toooooo gorgeous and happy for words!!!! you are the aunt of all aunties!

  12. So adorable, but where's the picture of your mom and sister in their version of that skirt?!

  13. I loved sewing for my kids when little - I need to make something for my granddaughter!

  14. ok, this is just too cute for words, Steph. Encore, encore! BTW, I made Bethany a pillow from a beloved but threadbare flannel sheet set. I had to get rid of most of the sheet but there was enough for the little pillow. Keep up the sewing!!

  15. Very sweet,love your clothes. You are very creative!

  16. This is too cute! The family love exudes from the photos! Thanks for sharing Auntie!

  17. That is a lot of sweetness and love. :)


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