Thursday, October 01, 2009

Tea and Breast Cancer Awareness

It's October, and that means it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As you've likely heard, the antioxidants in tea (especially green tea) called catechins may inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Why do I use the word "may"? Because human tests have shown mixed results. In lab tests, results are often promising, but with humans, lifestyle variables such as diet and exercise cloud the view. The results are promising enough for me to believe that when I'm drinking green tea, I'm investing in my health.

Read more here and here. (A note about these articles: I felt they were balanced reviews of the research. I tried to cite only reputable research organizations. There's a lot out there on this topic, so be cautious and look into the rigor of the research.)

If you're looking for a way to support the cause, I recommend getting physical and joining a local walk/run. Find one near you. In addition, here are some retail items you might enjoy:
  • Republic of Tea has its Sip for the Cure tea collection. A portion of the proceeds from sales go to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure organization.
  • The National Breast Cancer Foundation offers a pink polka dot, pink-ribboned teacup and saucer.
  • The Breast Cancer Site has lovely pink glass, pink-ribboned teapot ornaments.
  • And I'm sure there's more!
And one other note - the temperature of your tea matters! Some studies indicate that people who regularly scald the throat and esophagus with hot beverages (including tea) have an increased chance of cancers in those areas. So let that tea cool a bit and don't burn yourself with it.

Here's a special {hug} to all the women and men who have battled cancer of any type, and to their families and friends.


  1. A wonderful and timely post, Steph!

  2. Thank you for the post about Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I lost both my Mom and my favorite aunt (her sister) to this disease. I too am drinking more green tea for health. Thank you for all the great links.

  3. This month always brings a tear to my eye...

  4. Hello there! It's been a while since my last comment - sorry about that! I was crafting for breast cancer at my main blog which is located here: and I have been blogging on my Tea=Bliss Blog too with more on the way.


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