Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hope - Tenacity - Release

Hope - That this bulb will produce a beautiful amaryllis, and when it does, that my future will be more concrete.

Tenacity - These flowers continue to bloom, despite short days of sunlight and chilly temps. They continue to show their best face to the sun, even in unfriendly conditions. How I want to be.

Release - Knowing when enough is enough and letting go gracefully. I've hung onto the idea of blogging every day in November, but the truth is I need a few days of being completely unplugged. I'll be back soon.


  1. That's exactly how I've been feeling. Good to know I'm not the only one.

  2. Take care and have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  3. Rest, restore, release and we'll be here for you when you resume.

  4. I would add "Wisdom" since you had the courage to make the right decision!" Enjoy your downtime!

  5. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Beautiful and succinct. Take the days you need, Steph.

    It was lovely to accidentally sit next to you for Rick Bragg. I tried not to ruin your date.... MKP

  6. this is so very beautiful hon... sacred wisdom from all the beauty around you... and i love how you listen to its medicine...



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