Sunday, November 01, 2009

We'll See How It Goes...

I'm enthusiastically, but realistically, joining National Blog Posting Month with plans to post every day in November. Though I have good intentions, my work life is super-busy right now and I simply might not make it happen. Having accepted this, I'm OK if I don't get an A+. This is really metaphorical for me - and timely. I've been learning this lesson my entire life, it seems! I think it's seeping in.

Here's to all of us who accept challenges, even when we know we might not make the goal.


  1. Since I'm doing NaNoWriMo again (and I didn't finish last year), I can relate! And cheers to you too!

  2. Always better to err on the side of optimism, I think! Good Luck! I'll be reading.

  3. It's always good to try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You always gain when you try something new.


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