Sunday, December 06, 2009

ISBN Delights

Christmas just came early for me! The gift is seeing my words in print, published in this book (page 22)! I can hold it in my hands, flip the pages, smell its new-book smell, and give my gratitude for all the words inside, all the women who wrote them.

I’m part of a women’s writing group in my hometown. Two visionary women in the group worked long and hard to create this anthology, a collection of pieces from the past 5 years. The stories are diverse: heart-breaking to funny; poetry to prose and in between; by professional writers and women writing for the first time; written from jail cells, states of euphoria, deepest depression, everyday life; from birth to girlhood to motherhood to death.

One of my stories is included. I’m so excited! Heck, we’ve got an ISBN# and we’re on Amazon!

Last night was the book release party. I was honored to read my story from the book at this event. (It's about my first bra.)
My fullest gratitude to A and L for the hard work to make this happen, and always to B for being such a great teacher and facilitator.

Cheers! Stephanie


  1. Congratulations, that is such good news!

  2. Wow! That's amazing!! We (Lola and I) are so proud of you! I will definitely be ordering a copy!

    Love you,

  3. What a great party! Your reading was wonderful, as always, and the book is fabulous! I highly recommend it to all your readers!


  4. Congratulations - this is exciting!

  5. Congrats, Steph! How super duper exciting!!

  6. Congratulations on having your work published.

  7. Anonymous5:48 AM

    The book event was fabulous and I loved the readings at Rachel's Cafe. I look forward to reading the book.


  8. Congrats Steph! How exciting!

  9. Wow, Steph. Congratulations! Now we'll keep our fingers crossed to see if we can make you a published author twice-over. :)

    Looking forward to reading the book.

  10. How exciting, Steph! Congratulations!

  11. Steph, congrats, how exciting to have your creative words in print.


  12. How exciting for you, that's wonderful. Congrats.

  13. OK, I had somehow missed this post earlier and just wanted to say congratulations! I am so impressed that your group has produced an anthology, and you must be thrilled to be a part of this!

  14. This is fantastic Steph! We are, as always, so proud of you. Happy Congratulations!!


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