Sunday, January 24, 2010


Nurturing comes in many forms, but one of my favorites is tea and treats with a friend.

Sweetcakes and I planned some time together this weekend. When she asked me what I wanted to do I said, "I want to come to your house and do nothing." I think that's one of the highest compliments I could give her - that simply coming to her home is nurturing to me.

Well, Sweetcakes went above and beyond for this nurturing session, as we sipped hot tea and had raspberry financiers and warm toffee pudding in front of her fire. Wow - yumm! Thank you! Just what I needed! A good friend and tea.

I hold in my heart right now all my friends and family in need of their own nurturing, as well as those across our world, especially our brothers and sisters in Haiti. I send thoughts and prayers of safety, peace, and hope for the future.

I also hold in my heart those who find themselves in need of nurturing while being caregivers and nurturers to other. This is each of us at one point or another. May we find the courage to take care of ourselves so we can help others.


  1. I love that last line. So true.

    Visited from La Tea Dah's.


  2. What a nice post! Girlfriends, yummy desserts and tea. That's a tea-riffic combination!

  3. sounds like a wonderful time with sweetcakes! very inspiring what you said in this post! I know someone in our family who always nurtures others, but could definitely used some nurturing of her own!

  4. KD - that's who I was thinking of! :-)

  5. Sounds like a wonderful afternoon. To sit on a friend's couch and eat something delicious sounds like heaven right about now.

  6. Friends, food, tea & a fire. Just what the doctor ordered. How lovely.

  7. Oh, I agree the highest form of praise is "to do nothing" with a friend! Sounds like a *very* blessed time! (Oh, and her desserts are beautiful!)

  8. I so know what you mean. We have friends that we can just take a nap with. Sometimes, all four of us will be sacked out at one or the other's house. We also had a friend who expected nothing from you but your body, if that's all there was and she would give you tea and cinnamon toast. I try to be that way myself. Precious times. My heart is broken for the Haitians.

  9. I'm so glad we had the time together, to catch up and relax. I could have talked the afternoon away. Thanks for being one of my taste-testers.

  10. I think we can all use some nurturing from time to time. Your afternoon sounds delightful. And that toffee pudding? YUM.

  11. What a very special treat to be nurtured. I love the thoughts you have shared today.

  12. Well said! Nothing beats a great friend! :)

  13. What a great post, Steph. Time spent with good friends, chatting, laughing, eating treats and sipping tea - what a treasure and a blessing! So true - caring for ourselves is the greatest teacher of how to care for others.

  14. That sounds like a delightful visit with your friend. We do need some nurturing now and again.

  15. You're definitely right... We are still very blessed and let's celebrate with a cup of good tea. Don't forget to pray for the earthquake victims in Haiti


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