Thursday, February 04, 2010

Done and an En-Joying Morning

Early-blooming daffodils in a sunny spot, along American Parkway in Folsom, CA

My big project is done! Wahoooo! I'm exhausted and wired at the moment, but happy.

Last Sunday, the day before the event, I had a few hours to myself and was able to en-joy a very nice cup of tea (more coming on that) and also a run along the "bike path" in Folsom, CA. This multi-purpose trail parallels the American River. It was a magical morning for me. The experience gave me space to clear my head and ground myself for the coming days. Truly an en-joying experience. A few photos along the trail...


  1. Very pretty and I can see a run along the river would clear the head. Look forward to hearing about your tea experience.

  2. Your photo of the early blooming daffodils was inspiring! Sending a glimmer of hope to us that spring might be on its way... although we're anticipating a whopper of a snow storm to begin tomorrow, so spring will have to wait as we deal with old man winter. It will be a magical few days around here!

  3. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Glad your project is done. Hope you have the chance to relax before starting up again. Are the pictures taken with your new camera?

  4. Can't wait to hear all about it. Congratulations on completing your project- have a safe trip home.

  5. So glad to see you back here, and I'm looking forward to the coming posts! (And I got the most *amazing* set of handcrafted stationery in the mail the other day. It was lovely -- and so appreciated!)

  6. Glad that you had a chance to relax a little before the event. That looks like a pretty area. Looking forward to hearing about your tea.

  7. Thanks for the beautiful photos...The daffodil pic made me think of Lola...she keeps singing this song "Spring is in the air" and I have no idea where she got it...but maybe she knows something we don't! :) Can't wait to talk to you soon.
    Love ya,

  8. so glad your big project is finished and was successful! happy relaxing :)


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