Monday, February 15, 2010

Totally Smooshable

Look closely at the photo above and you'll see one well-smooshed sock monkey! Pepper, the monkey, is in a state of bliss. Sock monkeys live for smooshings.

Pepper was a Valentine's Day gift for my 2-year-old niece.
Photos by my sister.


  1. I can't believe your sweet niece is 2 already! Love her AND the sock monkey!

  2. Nice pictures of your niece. A friend made my eldest daughter a sock monkey when she was little and she loved it. That was a great Valentine gift for a two year old - you are a sweet Auntie.

  3. I love sock monkey's. What a perfect gift for your niece.

  4. Did you make the sock monkey? I remember each of our class members making one as our first home ec. sewing project (many years ago). I had forgotten all about it until I saw your sweet little niece with her's.

  5. Pepper turned out so cute! I'm sure he will be well loved!

  6. Oh, and what an adorable "smoosher". She is too cute.

  7. Sock Monkeys rule!!! Your niece is a blessed girl to receive such a wonderful gift from you. I finally got my first sock monkey just a few years ago. He's now our Studio Mascot in orange and blue stripes


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