Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Green and White

Did you know that the Irish are given credit for drinking more tea, per capita, than anyone else in the world? I can believe it! I took a work trip to Ireland several years ago. During a mid-morning break, we headed to the cafe. A new hot water machine had been installed, specifically for making tea. A poster on the machine gave instructions for how to make a proper cup of tea. My Irish team was part humored and part insulted. "We don't need instructions on how to make a cup of tea!" one declared. That memory has stuck with me!

I suppose I should have posted this link before today so that anyone who liked these ideas could have planned ahead. Oh, well! The photo gallery includes green and white tea sandwiches as well as the pretty trio of teacups above.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

*Image from Martha Stewart's website.


  1. That sure sounds like a *fun* work trip! And what a pretty stack of teacups. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  2. What a great place to visit on business. Thanks for the link - the green & white table settings are lovely. Happy St.Patrick's Day.

  3. Great teacups with the green. A funny note in Ireland, but then there might be a visitor or two that doesn't know.

  4. Well, I just went and bought my cabbage and carrots for supper. So you are not the only slowpoke. Thanks for the phot- so pretty.

  5. Oh, that's too funny. I think though I should have known that fact, seeing how many teaware items my husband received from his grandparents estate (Irish & Scottish) Ha!
    Happy St Pat's Day!

  6. Oh am I smitten with those teacups!


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