Saturday, April 03, 2010

Whole Wheat Hot Cross Buns

Do you know the nursery rhyme Hot Cross Buns?  Listen to it here.  I made a whole wheat version today, based on this recipe from Joy of Baking.  I used a ratio of 2/3 whole wheat bread flour to 1/3 white flour.  The texture and taste are great.

I kneaded in the raisins and orange peel, then allowed the dough to rise.  Then I shaped into balls and brushed with an egg wash.  After another rise, I sliced crosses into a few of them and baked.  The crosses didn't show that well, but the rolls are still lovely.  (Other methods to get the cross include using dough or powdered sugar.)
Traditionally, these are served on Good Friday.  I didn't know any better, so I made them for tomorrow.  We'll see how many are left by then!
Read about even earlier traditions related to these rolls.

Wishing you peaceful celebrations of whatever your faith inspires.


  1. I have to say those look delicious, even considering how I feel about raisins in food. :)

  2. They look totally delicious!

  3. Delicious! I hope you are enjoying a blessed week-end.

    I'm wondering --- have you ever made 100% hard white wheat flour/bread? It changed my baking after I discovered it. So nutty and good. Everyone thinks "white bread" and there's not a speck of "white" flour in it. :D

    ~ LaTeaDah ~

  4. I enjoyed some hot cross buns over the weekend, but not homemade. Yours look delicious.

  5. Yum! I will have to put these on my list to try next year!

  6. You were a brave soul to bake these. They truly look yummy!


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