Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Favorite Bike Ride

DH pedals along a country road

Happy Bike Month!  I've been on a mission to enjoy my favorite things about my hometown/area before I depart.  Last weekend, we did one of my most favorite - we took a long bike ride through the countryside.  Indulge me - here are the photos.

DH climbs "Buddhist hill."  The hill is quite steep, tho it doesn't look it here.

Wild water iris and mustard in the background

What you're not seeing is the loose sow (mama pig) who decided to follow us.
The DH kindly stopped a car, so she wouldn't get hit.

That's me, in case you can't tell. 

DH at the wildlife refuge
Lunch stop - the trays are empty!  (Mom's Day AND Graduation Weekend)

My favorite ice cream place!

An after-ride treat
Happy me!

Photos by DH and me


  1. I love biking and I especially love biking to parks and wildlife refuges. I live in Delaware, near White Clay Creek State Park and bike there regularly...where I often get off my bike and watch birds while slowly walking around, before biking back.

  2. Looks like a great ride on a beautiful day! But, really, what day that includes ice cream is bad?! :-)

  3. Looks like a pleasant way to spend a day - great photos too.

  4. What a beautiful journey you've shared with us, and that last photo brought a smile to my face!

  5. Looking at your pictures made me feel like I was riding on your shoulder! :) LOVE it!

    We hit the Moose the other night...just because. Winston had his first ice cream.

    Was that the Bottom Road SLT area I saw?

  6. Biking is so very "green" !
    more people should get outside !

  7. Love your bike trip in the country side. Fields of mustard look even better with the iris. Ice cream too, what a treat.


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