Friday, May 21, 2010

OK, Deep Breath

"When you leave here, don't forget why you came." 
Adlai E. Stevenson

I'll be off for a few days, making my journey North and West.

To Bloomington - Thank you


  1. I look forward to your return, Happy Trails!

  2. Mary Jane12:23 PM

    Wishing you a safe journey and a happy homecoming in your new place in the world!
    Hope you enjoy getting there as well. Best of luck as you make this transition.

  3. We are holding you in our hearts as you begin this new journey. love you!

  4. Hip-Hip Hurray!!! to new adventures! :) Just think, there are some new friends who don't even know what's coming their way. Lucky ducks!

    Safe travels to you and your DH! :)

  5. We moved on Wed. This is so lovely - I watch the sun light up the pine branches from my bed. The wind in the trees is a beautiful sound.The kitties are very clingy. We wish you and your husband a very smooth move and resettling. May you fall in love with your new home and neighborhood and may you find "friends of your heart"

  6. Glad we get to see you, but sad for the reason!

    Love ya,

  7. Have a safe trip! Look forward to hearing about it soon.

  8. l
    Best wishes for safe travels. I look foward to hearing about your tea adventures in your new home.

  9. Got your postcard! Thanks and *sniff*!


  10. Looking forward to your arrival and being nearby. Looking forward to shared tea times.

  11. Thought of you yesterday and saw you in that transitional space of nothingness with arms outward, mind centered and heart open...

    Happy for you!

  12. Can't wait to hear all about your new adventures!

  13. I feel like you have gone underwater and I am on the shore of the lake waiting for you to come up for air. I check the blog every day for news of your safe arrival and your first observations about life.

  14. Thank you all for holding me in your thoughts and hearts. What a gift! I'm here now and getting settled. The rest of the stuff arrives next week, along with the DH.

  15. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I want to welcome you to my neck of the world, and looking forward to tea gatherings with you and Marilyn---I hear she's invited you to wuwo!! Hope you join us. (Looking forward to this rain ending.....what an odd late spring this has been)


I value your comments, thank you!