Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Original Rose Garden

If you've ever been to Portland, you likely know about the International Rose Test Garden.  Fewer people know about the original rose garden, still glorious as a neighborhood park.  Yesterday I strolled through that original rose garden (thank you, Marilyn!)  I'm very lucky to have locals taking me under their wings and showing me hidden treasures of this vibrant community.

Next time I'm here, I'll pack my journal and a thermos of tea.  It's that kind of place; it invites you to linger.


  1. This is one of my favorite places to have outdoor tea. I love it here. I can picture Victorian ladies strolling with their umbrellas. The gardens were built during the Victorian Era.

  2. Beautiful photos. I can see why you want to go back.

  3. This is the first place you are taking me!

  4. This is such a beautiful year for roses. Although it doesn't feel like the first day of summer, the cooler weather does have its benefits. :D

    Happy settling...


  5. Ohhhhh myyyyy! This is my idea of heaven! Thanks for the great photos!

  6. wow!!! it is beautiful!

  7. What a beautiful place to spend a few peaceful hours. Tea among the roses would be lovely and a great atmosphere for writing in your journal.

  8. Hi, Stephanie -
    I found your blog through Marilyn. She and I had tea in her greenhouse the other day. Please come by to see my photos of our time together. She told me you had recently moved to Portland and had tea together. I love this old Rose Garden. We just discovered it a few years ago and it's so delightful. Maybe you and Marilyn and I will have to share tea there someday! Welcome to Portland.


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