Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Things I'm Learning From This Move

  • The kindness of strangers is wonderful!  We've felt that first-hand as a stranger helped to move us in, up 3 flights of stairs!
  • Most of us from "back East" have no idea what the climate of the Pacific Northwest is really like!
  • The skies are very dramatic and ever-changing.  It's not just grey.
  • Grass green is a very intense color!
  • Walking to work has been a true blessing.
  • Downsizing is great!!  (From 1800 sq ft to 1400 at the last place to 1100 now).
  • Color is important to me.  In a sea of brown boxes, this red teapot and teacup (a pretty gift from Sweetcakes) give me a happy place to rest my eyes.
  • Skype is great.  If you have family or friends far away, give it a try!  It's free (but you need a webcam).
  • It's fun to think about using spaces in creative ways.
  • I need to be gentle with myself during this time of transition.  It's OK that it's taking me longer than I expected to be/feel settled.
  • I'm not currently able to blog as frequently as I used to.  We'll see how it goes once I get into a normal routine, and I'll do the best I can.


  1. I love the tea cup!! and yes, Skype is wonderful! Love you...

  2. I have that same teapot and it always makes me feel good. We downsized as well, but not nearly enough, so we are [slowly] working on that. We are really loving where we are and I hope you do, too.

  3. I can really relate to this post! I've had several moving adventures in the last couple of years, and I've learned the most important thing is what you pack last and unpack first -- in my case, my tea kettle, favorite teapot, teacup, and tea! I know I'll want it first thing in the morning in my new abode, and I have to be able to find it without digging. My tea ritual is the most important thing about feeling settled in a new house. Best of luck to you!

  4. Welcome to the world of moving. I found it took 1 year to feel settled after a major move. Skype is a very good thing. And when the sun comes out in Oregon it is totally appreciated and savored.

    Looking forward to having tea tomorrow.

  5. I'm just happy to hear from you whenever you get the chance to blog! And that photo really tells the story!


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