Sunday, August 01, 2010

What Is Cobbler to You?

Blackberry Cobbler, Dear Hubby Style

What is cobbler to you?  To me, it's made in a rectangular pan, pie crust on bottom and top (the more the better; we fight for the corners!), and fruit filling in between.

To the DH, it's fruit on bottom with a biscuit topping that allows room for the fruit filling to bubble up.

Both are delicious.  Which style is yours?  (See Poll at right.)


  1. Anonymous5:49 AM

    My mother, a south carolinian, has always made cobbler with fruit on the bottom and dough on the top with space for the fruit to bubble up. She makes these in a rectangular pyrex sort of dish.

  2. Oh, goodness, I do like to support the sisterhood whenever possible, but I'm with your DH on this one!

  3. LOL@ Angela - it's so funny, I never realized there was an "other" cobbler until he started making them!

  4. My cobbler is more like your DH. However, I do berry pies too, which would be similar to what you do. I will make a berry pie next week. Yummm! Oh and don't forget the vanilla ice cream.

  5. My mother, an Appalachian farm girl, always made the fruit at the bottom like your DH.

  6. Lots of fruit macerated in its own sugared juices, a drop of vanilla whatever the fruit, and a crust on top, with slits or holes or shapes cut out for the juicy blurps to bubble through.

    DD Caro makes the old standard cuppacuppacuppa, with the creamy batter stirred in the bottom of the pan, lots of juicy fruit on top, and the crust rises through to get crusty and golden. She sprinkles the risen crust with turbinado or demerara about 3/4 of the way through.

    We had that one last night, just for two, with the tiny bit of batter beneath the blueberries not quite rising through, but very crisp on the buttery bottom---lovely.

  7. Wow - so many varieties!

  8. Aby ole way is fine as long as it is warm and sweet, with lots of berries.


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