Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wildness in the City

The DH and I recently discovered a forgotten nursery, a wild spot in the midst of the city!  Roses escaping...reaching for the sky, the sun, the rain.  Up, up, out, out!  I love this bit of wildness in the city! A forgotten place of beauty that delights me.


  1. Anonymous5:20 PM

    What an exciting find! And a beautiful photo, to boot!

  2. Totally fabulous. This could be the perfect setting for "the haunted greenhouse". What is the story behind this place.

  3. Don't know much about it, other than it appears to be an abandoned greenhouse. It's right next to a Max (light rail) stop.

  4. What a great find! I think I would have picked a bouquet and peaked inside.

  5. That was a delightful discovery - nice photos too.

  6. I have actually been thinking about your pictures of the greenhouse and the roses sticking through the top all day. It has really captured my imagination.

  7. I love these sorts of areas! I think unmaintained property not only has a certain beauty, but often has an immense ecological value.

    In New Haven, Connecticut, there were some parks in marginal areas that were poorly maintained and mostly overgrown, and these parks were outstanding for birdwatching because their overgrown nature attracted so much biodiversity!

  8. Ooo, like the secret garden. What afun it would be to snip a piece or two of that gorgeous rose!

  9. I can almost hear those roses saying, "come hell or high water, we're going to bloom, darn it!"

    They are such a lively and pretty contrast with the rugged, broken building!

  10. Well my goodness! As a rose lover, I'd be tempted to do an intervention there! (But I agree it's fun to see that bit of wildness escaping from the forlorn nursery. Fun photos!)


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