Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Lots to Say, Little Time

 Me, happy at the NW Tea Festival in Seattle

I spent last weekend at the NW Tea Festival and had an amazing time!  I have several days of pictures and content to share, but am currently on a work trip with limited time.  Let me just summarize by saying it was fabulous! 

One highlight was hearing James Norwood Pratt read from his upcoming book.  Other exciting moments include the many tea tastings, especially the aged Chinese teas and Korean teas, the visits to Seattle tea spots and especially spending time with other tea lovers.  More to come soon!


  1. Have a great trip Stephanie!
    It was so fun to share this trip with you.

  2. Oh, lucky you! Steph you look fantastic! Hope you had a great time, sure looks like it.

  3. I can't wait to read more about your experience! Miki

  4. you cut your hair again! Looks great.

  5. so glad you had such a great time! Love the skirt, by the way...did you make it?

  6. Thanks, sis! The skirt is a recycled sari. I did not make it.

  7. I was just going to say, you must have gotten to see Marilyn! Can't wait to read more about this -- lucky you!

  8. I love your hair cut - really suits you

  9. How fantastic! I would love going to this but I live in s.ca.My first visit to your site.Enjoyed myself.Thank you

  10. It looks like you had a lot of fun! Luckeeee!


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