Monday, March 21, 2011

38 Brave Things I Did This Year

Bday cake by the DH
(Camellia Japonica blossom on top and apple blossoms in background)

38 Brave Things I Did This Year
  1. Took a new job
  2. Said goodbye
  3. Moved far away
  4. Sold the car
  5. Had my hair cut short
  6. And then shorter
  7. Learned to use public transportation
  8. Rode my bike to work
  9. Rode my bike 50 miles in the rain
  10. Ran 2 hours by myself
  11. Went to the doctor
  12. Tried new sewing patterns
  13. Met new friends and stayed in touch with others
  14. Learned a new dance
  15. Began learning wuwo
  16. Said no
  17. Planned a trip to China
  18. Reviewed my priorities
  19. Did one thing
  20. Did no thing
  21. Read widely
  22. Wrote down my heart break
  23. Wrote down my joys
  24. Looked at myself naked
  25. Made yeast bread
  26. Broke bread with strangers
  27. Took a nap
  28. Tried again
  29. Went out without an umbrella
  30. Asked for advice
  31. Accepted that I could fail
  32. Admitted I was afraid
  33. Listened deeply
  34. Told the truth
  35. Asked myself what I really wanted
  36. Dreamed without editing
  37. Took myself seriously
  38. Didn't take myself so seriously


  1. Great post!! You are a good examle to your little sister. Love you! Tell your DH the cake looks beautiful (and yummy).

  2. Happy Birthday!! I am impressed with your list. Your DH's cake looks great.

  3. Happy Birthday! What a year!

    What is wuwo?


  4. Wuwo is a practice of taking tea outside, in a group setting. It was created as an accessible tea ceremony in Taiwan in the 80s.

  5. Happy B-day, Steph! :)


  6. Is it your birthday? Here you asked me and then I didn't know it was your special day. Happy Birthday to you. What a brave list and so much growing. Thanks for sharing it. The cake is beautiful and I can imagine it was delicious. I hope you are enjoying your special month.

  7. ellie4:10 PM

    happy birthday, you beautiful person and deep-running writer! this is one of the most inspiring things i've read in a long time - like a massage the day after a hard run. thanks for sharing. may you be as graceful and courageous in the year to come.

  8. Dear Friend and Birthday Girl!

    Happy Happy Birthday to you. I would say that you can add one more brave thing - you had the insight to look back at all the brave things you did. You have a start on a new year of doing brave things already.

    May you be brave enough to do all the things that make you happy.
    Sehding you hug,

    Mary Jane

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Love this list! Happy birthday! Can I have some of that cake? ;-)

  11. What a fantastic list of accomplishments! Brave woman indeed! Clapping wildly here -- Happy Birthday!

  12. Hooray several times over for you! Your hubby made a beautiful cake and I wish you the very best of birthdays! Bravery is doing something you're scared to do and you've done it, time and again.

  13. Thank you all for the birthday wishes!

  14. Happy happy special birthday from our hearts to yours! Sending love :)

  15. I love your list! So much to be thankful for, so much to be proud of!

    I also love Tom's cake! It turned out beautiful, especially with the flowers in the background and on top!


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