Monday, March 14, 2011

Guinness Soda Bread Scones

In honor of St. Patty's, the DH and I worked up this recipe for Guinness Soda Bread scones. I think these work really well with whole wheat flour. In fact, I can't see that white flour would stand up very well against the Guinness. The least amount of whole wheat I'd do is half.

Guinness Soda Bread Scones
Makes 8 large wedges

2 cups whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup golden raisins

1 Tbsp honey
4 Tbsp cold butter in small pieces
1/4 cup buttermilk
Up to 1/2 cup Guinness

Preheat oven to 400.  I baked these on a stone.

Combine dry ingredients (flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt).  Cut in butter until coarse.  Add raisins.

Add honey, buttermilk and 1/4 cup of Guinness.  Mix until a soft dough forms, adding more Guinness as needed.

Pat into a circle, about 1/2 " thick.  Cut into 8 wedges (you might need to very lightly dust the top surface to do this, if your dough is on the wet side.)  Bake ~15-20 minutes, depending on how wet the dough is.  Mine was pretty wet (more Guinness) I went for 20 until the center of the circle was springy to the touch and not wet. 

Next time I will also soak the raisins in a bit of Guinness!  I loved the flavor, which is amazing because I am not a beer fan, especially of Guinness!


  1. Do you substitute whole wheat flour one for one with white flour? in other words...if I were to use white flour can I just assume it is 2 cups white?

    I think I would like to make these but I am dubious (as always) about whole wheat flour.


  2. Amy - you can, but watch the liquids. In my experience, white flour doesn't take as much as whole wheat. Also, consider half and half or white whole wheat.

  3. Did you use Guinness Original / Extra Stout (the more bitter / roasty one) or Guinness Draught (the smoother / more popular one)? I imagine that these scones would come out completely different with those two different beers. The original has a extremely strong roasted aroma, whereas the second is just rich, dark, and full-bodied but very mild.

  4. Alex - We used Guinness Draught. Good question!

  5. Well, since I do have some Guinness and tomorrow is the Green Day, I think I shall just make these. They sound super - happy St. P's to you!

  6. Thanks, now if I had Guinness in the house. I may buy some tomorrow, as I found a beef stew recipe with Guinness and red wine.

  7. I've never tried baking scones before, but I'd like to! I may have mentioned it to you before but as a fan of whole wheat flour, you should check out the cookbook Good to the Grain. The chocolate chip cookie recipe alone is worth the price of the book.


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