Sunday, May 29, 2011

Braised Leeks

The DH's braised leeks

Leeks are a new crop for us.  They like long, mild growing seasons which we have plenty of around here.  We feasted on these leeks from our garden last week.  Wow, WOW - good!

The DH's (dear hubby's) Braised Leeks
  • One bunch of leeks - outer edges removed, washed carefully to remove dirt between the leaves
  • Trim off most, but not all, of the greenery (we are saving for later use)
  • Slice in half, lengthwise
  • Brown and soften in olive oil (we like using a cast iron skillet for this).  It's a good idea to add a little water, too, to assist the softening.
  • Keeping in the cast iron skillet, cover with heavy cream.
  • Place in a 400-degree oven for about 30 min, or until brown on top and the cream is thick.


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Sounds delicious!

  2. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I've never had leeks - this sounds fantastic.

  3. This sounds just divine!


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