Friday, May 06, 2011

J-Tea in Eugene, OR

Josh Chamberlain, making a refreshing and like-no-other iced tea

On a fine, fine spring day last weekend I shared several cups of tea with Josh Chamberlain, proprietor of J-Tea.  Josh runs an online store as well as his tea bar in Eugene, OR.  I wish I were a little closer!  Josh's story is fascinating, and he's clearly in love with high-quality tea, particularly from Taiwan. 

Josh began his tea journey in earnest while working toward his MBA in Taiwan.  (Read more about that story here.)  Synchronicity played a role and provided local mentors and tea guides to inform and shape his tea education.

I enjoyed hearing Josh talk about the evolution of his business and his plans for the future.  In particular, I enjoyed a new release - a special iced tea.  It's made from a green oolong base then mixed with honey and lemon, served up super cold.  I'll leave the trade secrets to Josh, but add that I think he has a winner.

I found myself getting lost in the well-chosen tea wares and how the sunlight played against them. 

I had a big case of the wanties for one of these lovely jars.

The Eight Treasures - a new line of teas selling in local markets.  These teas offer a great range of flavor profiles, perfect for someone wanting to broaden his/her tea tasting experience.
J-Tea from the outside.  If you are in Eugene, it is a must-see!


  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Wow, that looks like a wonderful place. Wish I were closer.

  2. It does indeed look wonderful, very serene and Josh just looks so happy with what he is doing. The ice tea looked good enough to just swallow right down and I think I would have the wanties also.

  3. That store looks super cool!

    I am not a big fan of iced tea myself, but this might be cultural: ice tea has always been more of an American thing. But maybe I ought to change my mind :)

    I'd love to broaden my palate but I find the oolong and green teas a little less 'accessible'. I like green Yasmine tea, but this is in essence a 'sister' of the black Earl Grey tea that I love: a scented tea.

    J-Tea looks good. I can just imagine the passion this man put in his little store. That's awesome and I can really admire that!


  4. Steph - Thanks so much for this review! I will definitely have to check it out when we come to town in August. There used to be a tea place in Eugene that I loved - they were just a redistributor, but they carried a great selection. I found several of my all-time favorite teas there. But, alas, they have closed. Going to this shop will be a fun treat to look forward to!

  5. Dear Steph (and other readers),

    I just wanted to let you know that I am having a tea-related Give Away at my blog. Feel free to spread the word!

    This Good Life

  6. Georgia, another tea fan10:02 AM

    Yes, the design of that building is very clean and light. Well done to them - architecture and tea rooms are highly intertwined.

  7. Today's Eugene Groupon is for this shop - if you needed more motivation to go back!

    Thanks for your note Steph. I will let you know if we are hanging out in Portland, but we don't usually get that far north.

  8. @Melanie - Thanks and COOL!

  9. Anonymous7:07 PM

    This place looks delightful! Thank you for providing an armchair tea tour!

  10. How nice to have the opportunity to meet Josh. We communicated some years ago before he opened his shop. Looks nice. Like the jars too. I got a pretty jar in Taiwan.


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