Thursday, August 18, 2011

My Morning Cup of Unexpected Contrasts

I'm taking an online photo class, and the instructor assigned us a scavenger hunt of shots...including our morning cup.  One of the points she's making is for us to click away because often, the best photos are the unexpected ones. 

I think the overall image above is so-so, but the contrasts are quite interesting.  Looking through the viewfinder, I did not see the reflection of the slats in the tea or the table ironwork on the saucer.  I only saw it upon reflection, after I downloaded the images.  Unexpected contrasts.  Kinda cool.  Kinda like life.


  1. i love this. and every time i drive past your old neighborhood, i think of the stephanie-shaped hole there where you should be.

  2. Isn't that the way life goes sometimes? I do sometimes miss something like contrast until I look at it from a different perspective.

  3. well said Ellie

  4. That's interesting that you didn't pick up on these things until you downloaded the photo. Something to chew on!


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