Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sunset, Sunrise and a Dream

Just a few days ago, I was in CA, having a picnic supper and looking over the Pacific ocean to watch this beautiful sunset.

This morning I watched the sun rise, from the airport terminal in Korea.

I'm here to live out a dream, one that I've been thinking about for a very long time.  I'm on a tea tour of China, Tibet and India.  We'll see many, many places - both cultural and tea-focused.  It brings me to tears just to type this, because I'm so fortunate! 

Special thanks to my DH, who has been my cheerleader and encourager for this trip, and who remains at home tending the garden with his loving and magical touch.  (I'm touring with a fellow tea fanatic.)

I hope you'll follow along with me.  Kind friends have offered to post blogs while I'm gone (I can't access blogger in China but Yahoo should be OK to forward things along).  Having said that, most of the posts will happen when I return.  We're very busy on this trip, and I'm not sure how frequent I'll be able to produce them in real time...but I'll do my best! 

I'm looking forward to sharing this adventure with you.  It's a real life dream-come-true for me!


  1. Proof positive that dreams DO come true! Bon Voyage Steph! Looking forward to hearing all about your tea-riffic journey!

  2. So happy that you are doing this trip! The sunrise in Korea was beautiful...hope you are having a wonderful time!

  3. blessings as you travel and explore the world and your dreams!

  4. I am so happy for you! Hope you are able to soak up every minute of it.

  5. This sounds like a fabulous trip. Looking forward to hearing about your dream tour and seeing your photos. Have the best time!

  6. Oh Steph, I am so very, very, very happy for you! Bless the DH! I am already looking forward to hearing about it.

  7. I am delighted to see you're on your trip! Can't wait to "read all about it," literally!


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