Monday, August 22, 2011

Tao of Tea's Original Teahouse

I recently checked off something on my "Want to Do" list...visiting the original Tao of Tea's teahouse.  This place, while well-known for its tea, is equally well-known for its delicious meals.  And not to forget, its lovely and reclaimed interior.

I had a pot of chai (made with honey - I had many sweeteners to choose from!) and a wonderful plate of dal (lentils) and rice.  Very yummy!  

I pulled out my journal and spent more than an hour nestled in here, jotting down my thoughts and enjoying my chai and meal.  It was a weekday, so there was no weekend rush, and I felt at-ease to enjoy myself and the surroundings.  I will definitely return!  There were many foods and many teas that I want to try.  Next up - a look at the Leaf Room next door.


  1. Oh Stephanie, I am so happy you visited here. I use to go here often with friends, but don't make it there much lately. There are some good memories here, even one Mother's Day my family took me here.

  2. This teahouse looks like it provides a respite for peace and solitude. Beautiful. I know I would enjoy it here.

  3. Looks like a great place!

  4. I *love* the luxury of being able to journal in a tea room! I believe I have actually ordered from this company before, back when I was doing that year of tasting all the teas in the Harney book. Fun to see it "live" thanks to you!

  5. I enjoyed a lovely tea experience there, but my husband was not comfortable there at all! Next time I'll give you and Marilyn a call instead! :D


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