Sunday, October 02, 2011

Exciting News: Tea Reader

Two authors:  Virginia "Cinnabar" Wright and me, holding the newly-released book

This just in from the NW Tea Fest!  The book A Tea Reader:  Living Life One Cup at a Time is out!  The official release date is Oct 10, so I just about jumped to the roof when I saw a copy at the Phoenix Tea booth here at the NW Tea Fest!  I am so honored to have a story in this collection.  The compiler and editor is Katrina Avila Munichiello, and my heartfelt thanks to her for seeing this project through.

I cannot overlook the irony of the story I submitted.  It was about leaving my beloved friends in New Mexico in 2004, and my struggles to find deep connections with other women in my new home town.  And here I am, living that again today.  And as before, it is tea and writing that have brought me to deep connections with amazing women in my new hometown.

If you are interested in the book, please purchase it at your local independent tea shop or book store. You'll also find it online at Amazon, Barnes & Nobles, etc.


  1. You made my day. Not only is it still thrilling to see the book "live" and out there in the world, but also this meeting is exactly what this book was about -- the common ground of tea bringing people together. Do you mind if I put the photo on the "A Tea Reader" FB page and website?

  2. I am so excited for you and proud of you!! Can't wait to read the book.

  3. Sally Price3:37 AM

    Stephanie, Congratulations published author! How thrilling--and the story sounds wonderful. I look forward to reading it.

  4. Stephanie...How exciting for you!!! I so love keeping up with what's going on in your life, just wish we were closer. Congrats:)

  5. How very exciting! I will have to have you sign my copy. I got the last one at the Phoenix booth and can't wait to read it. Isn't the connections we make with tea and writing so wonderful? I just love it.

  6. Oh my, how exciting! I would have wanted this book anyway, but I *especially* want it now!

    And speaking of books ... I've written one! I'm afraid I've misplaced your new snail mail address, but I'd love to send you a complimentary copy simply because you were the first "tea blogger friend" I made in cyberspace!

    OK, getting off computer to call bookstore and order this book!

  7. Hi Steph

    Nice website. I own an online gourmet loose leaf tea website and I would love to send you samples of my collection to review. Please let me know where I can send them. Please email me at

  8. Teafan12:25 PM

    Am I recalling this is the second anthology you've been in? Congrats!

  9. Such exciting news! Congrats! Looking forward to seeing/reading this newest tea themed book.

  10. Dear Stephanie aka Published Author,

    This is wonderful exciting news and I am so thrilled for you.

    I am doing the dance of joy for you right now and will be waiting anxiously to have that book in my hands and turn the pages to read your contribution.

    Sending you a hug and my heartfelt congratulations.

    Mary Jane

  11. Congratulations! I can't wait to read it!

  12. Already have my copy and I've resolved to read your piece in there before I go to sleep this evening.

    It's really beautifully made, isn't it?


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