Friday, October 07, 2011

Green Tea Dress/Scarf

My "Green Tea" Minidress and Scarf

This is my "green tea" outfit!  Brought to me by my fashion-forward friends!  This outfit has a story...

Part One:  While in India at the Glenburn Tea Estate, my room friend MJ comes to the room with this AMAZING scarf!  It's a silk/cotton blend, it hangs so lovely, it's got a great hand feel, it's got the tea leaf/flower on it, it's perfect! 

Camellia Sinensis leaf and flower

I didn't buy one.  Why? I don't know.  Sometimes I get that way.  I was admiring MJ's scarf for the next few days, wishing I had indulged.  You can imagine my delight when, a few days later, MJ handed me this scarf she had tucked away as a gift.  SO thoughtful!

Part Two:  I arrive home from China/India, weary and bleary.  On the table to welcome me is a package from CO Tea Lover.  Inside is this fantastic silk mini-dress.  My friend found it in the Halloween section at a local thrift store!  It's handmade, silk, lined with a lovely contrast fabric, and fits great!  Of course, the best part is that it's a perfect match for the scarf.  My green tea outfit, meant to be.  Thank you to MJ and CO Tea Lover!


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    WOW! They look fabulous and so fitting for a tea lover.

  2. Your "Green Tea" dress and scarf look great on you. What thoughtful friends!

  3. Love it! And what thoughtful tea friends.

  4. That's awesome! Together, they make a super cute outfit, and you will always wear a smile with them as you think of travels and good friends.

  5. Its an adorable outfit, and I would have run off with that scarf too.

  6. Both are perfect for you!! So cute!

  7. Oh, I'm so glad you shared the story behind this! I noticed that great outfit and scarf in your earlier blog post. How amazing that this was total serendipity ... and from your friends. Love it!

  8. This is a really pretty color!


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