Wednesday, October 05, 2011

James Norwood Pratt: A Call to Action

Steph and James Norwood Pratt
Norwood has a new book - the Ultimate Tea Lover's Treasury.  We both have stories in the Tea Reader.

I had the chance to hear James Norwood Pratt speak twice in the past week, and I am the better for it.  I heard him first at the Northwest Tea Fest in Seattle.  Yesterday, he spoke at the Chinese Garden in Portland as part of the Tao of Tea's month-long Essence of Tea celebration

Listening to Norwood speak was delicious.  He regaled us with stories of tea's history, transitioning smoothly to the present by calling us to become tea ambassadors.  "Each one of us needs to reach one of them [non-tea drinkers]."  I agree with Norwood and found myself inspired!  Tea offers so many cures for today's social ills of being over-sugared and over-busy. I find myself contemplating how I can further share this message with my community and be of service. 

Veerinder Chawla, founder of the Tao of Tea, introduces Norwood

Norwood signed his book, "To my colleague Stephanie."  It's a small thing, but hugely meaningful to me because of this man's large influence in the American tea industry.  To be called a colleague is gracious, inviting, inclusive.  It motivates me to do my part.   
James Norwood Pratt inviting us to become tea ambassadors


  1. Oh I wish I could have been there. I just love Norwood and will share a picture of him tomorrow on my blog. Haven't seen Veerinder in awhile either. Sounds like it was a good talk and time.

  2. I think I ran into you in the waiting line on Saturday and now I found your blog. You are right about both Norwood and Veerinder. They are great lights in the tea sky.

  3. Beautiful post Steph. Your inspiration and enthusiasm are contagious!

  4. Teafan4:46 PM

    I'm inspired by your inspiration. I hope to hear more.

  5. OK, I've never met him but I love him for writing that in your book. A generous spirit!

    (Oh, and the tea infuser is "polymesh," according to the package.)

  6. I've read his initial book again and again. So much useful information packed in there.

    It's understandable that you'd take his approval so well. Thanks for telling us about it.


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