Friday, October 14, 2011

Ubiquitous Tea

Ubiquitous Tea

No surprise here - tea is everywhere in China.  I knew this, but it didn't lessen the spark of delight when I would see the evidence.  This woman is a classic example with her jug of tea leaves (she'll refill with hot water throughout the day), her jade bracelet, her hat.

Thermos of hot water, ready to make tea

These giant thermoses caught my eye.  The picture doesn't accurately give the sense of scale; these are big!  Always at the ready to brew up some tea.  Tea is everywhere!  I think I fell in love with China.

Makes me wonder where our US culture would go if we drank more (unsweetened) tea than soda. What do you think? 

Also, check out this lovely site, Life Tea.  I can't read most of it, but I'm loving the photos!  The header is really great.

Happy weekend, I hope it's lovely for you.  I'm looking forward to some outdoor fun with the DH (and tea!).


  1. Hello
    I am from Tokyo.
    When I go out, I have tea with my bottle.
    My bottle is very pretty,which made from Ippodo
    I hope to spread my bottle.
    Thank you.

  2. Lovely to think of everyone in the US carrying a thermos of tea. Enjoy the sight link too.

  3. I had read that the Chinese take their tea everywhere, but it's great to have proof from someone who actually saw confirmation this is so!


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