Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tea and Truth: A Teacup Overflowing (and Giveaway!)

Like many of you, I'm anticipating a Thanksgiving Day that will provide me a full belly and a full heart. Though far from my family, we are grateful to be sharing this special day with good friends who welcome us into their home as they do their own family.  My teacup overflows with good things, and I am thankful. 

Is your teacup overflowing, and if so, with what?  This writing prompt is an especially meaningful one for me, as I've been working to incorporate a practice of gratitude into my life.

Preparing: I invite you to carve out time over the next week, before or after the busyness of the holiday, to sit, sip and write.  Gather your materials and make a cup or mug of fragrant tea.  If you've got some pu-erh on hand, now is a great time to sip it as pu-erh has long been used as a digestive aid, but please drink whatever you find pleasing.

Sipping: Feel the warmth of the cup in your hand.  Close your eyes and inhale the aroma. 

Writing:  Take a few moments to let images come to you...what in your life is overflowing?
  • Is it joyful? Is it sadness?
  • Is it full of longing or is it full of release?
  • Is it a material thing? Is it a hope or a memory?
  • Don't worry about writing sentences.  Write down the images as they come to you. 
  • Or maybe it's a sound, a fragment of a sentence, an aroma - whatever it is, jot it down.
  • Don't limit yourself to one item. If you're a list maker, this is a great time to use that technique.
  • Let the hand and body be connected, and write what presents itself.
  • Date this and tuck it away.  You may enjoy reviewing this piece throughout the year, or even next Thanksgiving.
All my best wishes to you on this Thanksgiving holiday.  Thank you for participating in this blogging series!  And check back tomorrow - we'll have a light-hearted look at a way to serve your Thanksgiving meal!

Prizes: Leave a comment in this post, telling me something that is overflowing in your life or tell me what you think about this writing prompt.  I'll draw a winner next Wednesday.  On that note, congratulations to Snap who won last week's drawing!  Give me a few days and I'll have your prize in the mail!


  1. Oh my goodness! How exciting! Thank you so very much! Now I have to think about this weeks Tea and Truth!

  2. I will be writing again I see. Thanks for this very special tea and truth adventure.

  3. Colleen11:51 PM

    Today, as I prepared for tomorrow's celebration, I unpacked my mother's dishes, washed and dried them and set the table. I grew up with these dishes as our everyday dishes and always loved them. After my mom died 5 years ago, I packed what remained of the set away. 2 years ago I found almost a complete set for 8 at an antique shop in Ohio and bought them all, bringing them home to add to my mom's. I had a wonderful time today unwrapping all these dishes, touching them and remembering my mom, my dad and meals at our dinner table. As I prepare to host Thanksgiving dinner for the first time on my own, I feel comforted by these memories and excited to share tomorrow's meal on my mother's dishes.

  4. Oh, Colleen - this is a wonderful way to honor your mother and your family! Enjoy!

  5. My life us overflowing with change. Children grow up and become adults. Parents age and develop new needs. Sometimes it is hard to keep up with the changes but a cup of tea really does help.

  6. Thank you to everyone who has shared, I am honored. And to anyone considering writing, you've got until Wed (the 30th) to comment for a chance to win. :-)

  7. Steph, my wonderful giveaway goodies have arrived, so thank you! Can't wait to sip and write! And while I'm a bit behind on my blog reading, I am going to do this exercise anyway. Interesting that your prompt coincides with my discovery of a wonderful book on gratitude, "One Thousand Gifts." I think I am supposed to hear this message!


I value your comments, thank you!