Friday, December 16, 2011

New Tea Thermos, New Scarf

I got a new tea thermos, one made by Thermos, ha ha.  It's the 12-oz Nissan with two lids, one for brewing tea and one for drinking.  I like it!  (Let me also say that I love this Livestrong thermos, too.) 

The way the tea brewing works in the Nissan is like this:
1 - Preheat thermos.
2 - Add fresh hot water to the fill line.
3 - Add desired amount of tea to the infuser basket and screw in.
4 - Screw on the top lid.
5 - Turn upside down and brew.  (Yep, upside down!)
6 - When done, turn right side up, remove infuser basket and screw in drinking lid.  Add top lid, and off you go.

Here's a close-up of the infuser basket with a couple of tea leaves stuck inside.  ;-)  I'm quite pleased with the thermos.  I like that it's only 12 ounces - it fits well inside my backpack.  The top lid also keeps things dry, so I don't have to worry about liquid leaks. 

Unrelated, other than it's new scarf.  I made it from this tutorial, and I really love it! 
 Wear it doubled up like this...

Or long like this. 

I also made a purple/grey one out of lighter-weight knit fabric.  It's amazing how the weight of the fabric makes such a difference!  It's a very different scarf, but I love it too.

The first one takes a few minutes to figure out, the braiding and the tubular sewing of the seams.  The tutorial writer does a great job of walking you through the steps, even including a video.  After the first one, these become super-easy to make!  I can think of many variations and fun ways to try it out.

Happy weekend!


  1. Teafan8:11 AM

    Oh, OH!!! Love this!

  2. Glad you like your new tea thermos. I've had that model for probably 8 years and I love it! I use it everyday. Mine doesn't have a fill line, that must be a new addition. After all this time I just know where to pour the water too. :-) I actually pour the water over the leaves in the steeper basket.

  3. Hey, Ginger - thanks for that tip, too!

  4. I like that thermos and your new scarf.

  5. I love the scarf, Steph!!

  6. the new thermos is very nice! I also love the scarf!! :)

  7. Both the thermos and the scarf look intriguing. I have a thermos that I hoped you could turn it and steep, but it doesn't work so well. This one looks much better.

  8. I didn't know Thermos made a tea Thermos (but of course!). Glad to hear it works well. And I love your new scarf--so stylish!


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