Thursday, February 09, 2012

Pretty Things

A branch from an unidentified tree (perhaps crabapple).
We snipped this and encouraged it to bloom inside. 

I hope you enjoy these two bits of prettiness!  I love bringing the outdoors in, and forcing branches is a particularly fun way to do that.

My next blog entry will return us to Darjeeling. It's been a crazy-busy work week for me, and I've not had the time needed for a detailed posting.

The photo below shows how I repurposed some tin cans.  I love the bright colors.  I saw this idea on Pinterest. The crafter recommended spray paint, and I now know why! Painting onto metal (without priming) yields streaks. I finally embraced the streaks as texture. ;-) I used fabric (secured with rubber cement) for the adornments.

Pretty tins


  1. These are quite possibly the swankiest tin cans I've ever seen. LOVE them!

  2. Fun tin can idea. Hope you have some down time this weekend.

  3. Tins are lovely; nicely reusable. I was thinking clever as well!

  4. Oh, Steph, you took me right down memory lane with this!

    Way back to a Brownie meeting!
    I made one of these for my Mom when I was about eight. She loved it and used it for years on her desk. Yours are so pretty and Mrs. MacGyver approves.;-)
    Sending you a hug.


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