Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Fun, Happy, Pretty

I thought I'd share a few things from the past month that have been fun, happy and/or pretty!  

After a rest stop, waiting to cross the street.  What a line of characters!

At another rest stop, Dragonfly Chai served warm and delicious cups of tea

Spied my first blooming tree this past Sunday!

And the camellias are starting to explode with color

Had this delicious rice treat (with pickled tea leaves) at Behind the Museum Cafe

What's fun, happy or pretty in your life right now?


  1. Teafan10:25 AM

    Woohoo - those are some fun bike people!

  2. That rice treat looks delicious. Loving seeing the flowers beginning to bloom and shine. Love Dragonfly Chai, one of my top two favorite chai's I can find around town. Happy my office is reorganized and clean.

  3. I'd never heard of the Worst Day of the Year Bike Ride! Love it!

  4. leaves of flowers coming up, woodpeckers squabbling, SUNSHINE, crocheting,my hair growing,cats zooming in and out. Loved the costumes!

  5. Colleen2:05 PM

    I love Portland! A Worst Day of the Year bike ride with costumes is perfect! Love it.
    Also love your blooming camellia- mine hasn't bloomed in few years, now I want to find out why so I can have beautiful blooms like yours.

  6. Colleen - the camellia is one for all to enjoy downtown, near Portland State. :-)

  7. Enjoying our Spring like days here. I bought a little camelia bush to chase away the Winter and it is blooming and I am happy about that! The pussy willows are bursting out and the daffodils are showing their pretty faces.

    Lots to be happy about here!


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