Monday, June 04, 2012

Meatless Monday 10: Garden Stuff

Tis the season for lots of garden stuff.  Makes it easy to go meatless, just to keep up!

Appetizer:  Radishes and sugar snap peas

Salad:  Green and red leaf lettuce, red mustard, lemon sorrel, onions, parsley (all from the garden) and yellow bell pepper.  Dressed with just a bit of lemon olive oil and rice wine vinegar.

Main course:  Parsnips (garden) and carrots with garden parsley and baked potatoes with garden rosemary.

Dessert:  Homegrown strawberries 


  1. oohh, this meatless Monday menu is magical!

  2. Love your meatless Mondays! Yum!

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Wow - this looks heavenly!

  4. Love seeing what you are getting from your garden. We are far behind you. The only thing we are getting is lettuce.

  5. Oh, everything looks so fresh and tasty. I am loving this colorful feast for the the eyes and the palate. Yummmmmm.

  6. This may be my favorite Meatless Monday yet! Yum!

  7. The radish appetizer reminded me of when I was a kid...for some reason, I could not get enough of raw radishes. When they were set out in a bowl as an appetizer, I could easily eat the whole bowl, even if it contained 15 or more radishes. I'd go nuts over them!


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