Monday, June 11, 2012

Meatless Monday 11: Popcorn and Fruit

The DH came into our marriage a fan of Helen and Scott Nearing and their philosophies of The Good Life.  I've become a fan, too.  I mean, what's not to love about Helen, who did almost all of the stonemason work on their slipstone cottage herself? 

The Nearings were known to enjoy a simple meal of popcorn and fruit.  We also enjoyed this delicious meal Saturday night.  We didn't feel like cooking, and neither did we feel like going out.

I highly recommend air-popped popcorn.  Eaten naked, it's sweet and satisfying.  It's fun and tasty to doctor up, too.  One of our favorite combos is to spray on a little olive oil and add nutritional yeast and chili powder.  Sprinkle on ground up lapsang souchong, and you have a treat that's steller!  (Thanks to Jasmine Pearl for that idea.)  Oh, yumm!  We also like the popcorn with olive oil, lemon pepper (and if you desire, a bit of grated parmasean). 

Are there any other air-popped popcorn fans out there?


  1. I am, especially when I'm trying to be weight and health conscious. A nurse once told me popcorn was like a broom for the digestive system - sweeping away anything left behind.

  2. I have been known to have popcorn for dinner, but not with fruit and popped on the stove. Must try with fruit. Love, love popcorn.

  3. Oh yes --- I grew up on air-popped corn! So good! I've never thought of adding chili powder, but popcorn sprinkled with nutritional yeast is a regular habit here...usually paired with apples.

    When I was a child, the neighbor would make the kids on our block wonderfully delicious popcorn. They would coat fresh popped corn with a warmed coating of molasses and some peanuts. It's very good!

    Popcorn is also pretty tasty eaten as a cereal - served with soy milk. And great served under chili beans and topped with lettuce, tomatoes, and olives.

    And now --- I am off to make some popcorn. I've been craving it all evening --- and your post has convinced me 100%.

  4. Wow- Great ideas, La Tea Dah!

  5. Teafan9:14 PM

    Wow - that sounds so fun and easy!


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