Monday, June 18, 2012

Meatless Monday 12: Grilled Garlic Scape Pizza

Garlic Scape Pizza on the grill

Garlic scapes are in season here.  Oh my goodness, they are delicious!  Like a green onion, except garlicy and a bit chewier, like the texture of asparagus.  (The curly  heads are also edible, but ours were getting old and were large, so I cut them off.) 

We decided to try the scapes on a grilled pizza (our first attempt at this, I know - we are a few years behind).  The result was great, definitely demanding a repeat performance.

I purchased a pre-made, whole wheat pizza dough at my grocer.  It's just a lump of dough in a bag.  Let it rise for 30 min, and then shape into a pizza crust. I first cooked the bottom side of the pizza crust on the grill, about 4 minutes until it was bubbly and solid on the bottom.  Then I flipped it and added the goodies (potatoes, garlic scapes, walnuts and blue cheese).  The secret seems to be to have all the toppings pre-cooked.  The dough finishes off too quickly to allow the toppings to do their full bit of cooking, so you just want to warm them.

(And let it be know that I was doing the cooking while the DH offered a helping had to flip the crust - and the rest of time, practiced not giving cooking advice.  ;-)

We gobbled this up! 


  1. I've learned something new from your post as I had never heard of Garlic Scape before. Now I'll have to look for it at my produce market.

  2. Grilled pizza is delicious, but I usually forget to do it. Thanks for the reminder. We grilled asparagus last evening and I always need to precook it slightly too. Your pizza sound so good.

  3. I found a jar of Garlic Scapes in Canada when we were there in May. Have been wondering what to do with them, and now I will definitely use them on a pizza I was planning on making with naan that I found yesterday at the store. Thanks for the great idea, Steph!

  4. This looks yummy! We're having pizza on the grill tonight...

  5. I must confess I saw this first photo and thought oh boy, Steph's DH is cooking again! Never heard of garlic scapes but I'll bet I'd like them!

  6. Ooh, yummy. Peascapes are also tasty, but I'm not sure about them on pizza - good in salads, however.


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