Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Drinking Vinegars

It's such a Portland thing...chef of famed Pok Pok restaurant was wandering through the aisles in an Asian market and noticed the "drinking vinegar" on the shelves.  He tried it, liked it, and decided to bring it to his restaurant.  And now it's all the rage (at least out here).  

But drinking vinegars have actually been around for some time.  They're quite popular in Asia.  And they've part of an old-timey drink called a shrub

Blossom Vinegars is a local business making vinegars of all sorts, including the drinking variety.  The owner sells at my local farmer's market.  The DH and I brought home a bottle of the Wildflower Honey Cherry drinking vinegar.  When 2 Tbsp are mixed with 6-8 ounces of sparkling water, it makes a refreshing drink!  It's a nice balance of tart and sweet, and very refreshing.

Have you heard of drinking vinegars?  Tried them?


  1. I have not heard of drinking vinegars, but remember my mother drinking just regular cider vinegar sometimes. I can't remember why, but it was a health thing. Then she used the same vinegar for cleaning too.

  2. I drink a concoction of 1.5 T each of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, honey and Chia seed mixed into a pint of water every day. I saw something about drinking dill pickle juice today...which is mostly vinegar.I have never heard of the drinking vinegars, but I would love to try them.

  3. Hi Steph!

    Didn't we share a bottle of drinking vinegar at one of our dinners in China? Do you remember what flavor it was?

  4. Like Marilyn, my father used to drink vinegar. He claimed it warded off illness.

  5. Koreans have many different kinds of drinking vinegars, usually spiked with some kind of fruit juice, such as pomegranate or blueberry juice.

    I used to drink pickle juice all the time as a kid (even as an adult) so I guess it's not too far out there.

  6. My mom and dad used to drink something called Switzel... a vinegar and honey concoction that they drank for the health benefits. I'll have to see if I can find the list of ingredients and proportions.

  7. Mary Jane - I think you are right! I had forgotten about that! Thank you.

    Such interesting perspectives, thank you all for sharing.

  8. Hmmm... intriguing!

  9. I've heard of doing this, and I can definitely see wanting to sample different vinegars, because they have some fascinating complexities to them.

    But I just don't like sour tastes, so I can't see myself actually drinking more than a tiny sip of vinegar.

  10. Alex - It does have a tartness to it. I find it pleasing, but others may not for sure.

  11. Hmm, never heard of this, but we have a new vinegar and olive oil tasting bar in town, so I think I'll check and see if they've got these. I'm intrigued!

  12. Drinking apple cider vinegar has been around for along time as a tonic and part of a weight loss regimen.

    CAUTION after drinking vinegar you should brush your teeth - the acid can do a number on your tooth enamel


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