Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Oregon Garden Tea Plant

Strolling through the Oregon Garden grounds, the DH and I spied several tea plants!

More and more, tea is being grown in this part of the world. I recently read about a small scale tea farm nearby. That is definitely on the to-see list!


  1. Wow! That is an impressive Oregon tea plant!

  2. Anonymous5:02 AM

    It is always fun to encounter our beloved camellia sinensis in an unexpected place. It looks so lovely and green! Someone must be taking good care of it.

    Mary Jane

  3. I see buds there, just like mine. There once was tea production in Oregon that closed down, so I am happy to hear someone is going for it again.

  4. Wow, and I thought my plant looked good! I had not heard of any tea being grown in your neck of the woods, so I'll look forward to future news of the tea farm!


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