Friday, November 30, 2012

Local Tea Happenings

A few local tea things of note:

Seattle Holiday Tea Fundraiser  Saturday, December 8th.  Wish I could go!  This will be a terrific event with tastings from Floating Leaves, McIntosh Tea, Miro Tea, Phoenix Tea, Tea Geek and more!

Stash Tea Opens its first Tea Bar: Most of us think of Stash only as tea bags, but I've heard that the store offers a selection of loose teas, too.  I'll check it out and report back.  I'm noting the trend of mainstream tea companies opening tea bars...Starbucks, Stash...who's next?

Wu-Wo Tea CeremonyOffering classes in the new year!  Interested?  Let the Wu-Wo group know.

Happy Holiday season!  I call the (herbal) tea below "Christmas Tree Tea" because the little stalks of thyme look like trees to me.

Christmas Tree Tea


  1. The tea does look like little trees floating there.
    Now how did I miss the opening of Stash and not far from my house. I will need to visit there soon. I have been to their shop south of town, which is quite nice.

  2. These are fun events... too far away for me.... alas. Please tell me about that very interesting Chrismas Tree Tea!!

  3. Dear Nancy - It's so simple! I just snipped a few sprigs of thyme from the garden. That's it! Thyme sprigs.

  4. I will enjoy hearing your review of the tea bar!


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