Friday, December 21, 2012

Celebrating Light

You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in. ~Arlo Guthrie

Today is the Winter Solstice, a day that I like to acknowledge.  We've made it through hours of increasing darkness and now the earth and we passengers in the Northern Hemisphere turn toward the light once more.  Light and dark - both important.  It's what we do with those times that matters. 

Keeping it light, I had fun last evening.  I joined a group of fellow revelers to run through a festively lit part of town.  The entire neighborhood of old Tudor houses goes all-out with twinkly lights.

Wishing you a light-filled holiday!


  1. You look as bright and sparkly as the lights! A festive and fun thing to do on a winter evening.

    Happy solstice to you, Stephanie.

  2. Teafan12:54 PM

    And Happy Solstice to you! That run looks like fun.

  3. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Looks like a fun evening. yes, the Solstice is an important time to mark with some sort of gesture. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Like the head gear!

    Happy Winter Solstice to you too! :)

  5. It's obvious you had fun getting into the spirit of the holiday festivities. Cute picture! The houses look lovely with their outdoor lights all lit up. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your dear hubby, Steph!

  6. Happy Solstice, and Merry Christmas, Steph! May it be a healthy and prosperous New Year too.

  7. What a festive run that must have been! Merry Christmas!

  8. Now I know this street and you definitely fit in with the season of celebration. I kept picturing you by a bonfire and here you are out walking among the twinkling lights with reindeer ears.

  9. Sounds like a great time - love the photo.


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